Power plants - Nuclear
Lynxeo liefert kernkraftgeeignete Kabel für das Hinkley Point C-Projekt, um kohlenstofffreie Elektrizität an sechs Millionen britische Haushalte zu liefern.
- Lynxeo hat 1.700 km eines speziellen Signalkabels geliefert, das in seinem Werk in Tuzla, Türkei, entwickelt wurde.
- Es ist frei von Petroleumgel und bietet gleichzeitig einen hohen Grad an Wasserbeständigkeit und Flammschutz.
Paris, La Défense, 23. Juni 2020 – Lynxeo hat die Lieferung von 1.700 km spezialisierten Signalkabels an Alstom für das BSA-Projekt (Beni Suef – Asyut) in Ägypten abgeschlossen. Das spezialisierte Kabel wurde im Lynxeo-Werk in Tuzla, Türkei – einem Produktionsstandort der Gruppe für Bahnsignalkabel – entwickelt und hergestellt.
“ We are very excited to be involved in this ground-breaking project for the UK’s nuclear power program. We have already gained considerable experience as a supplier of nuclear-qualified cables for EPR projects worldwide, such as Flamanville (FA3) in France and Taishan in China. Winning the contract for Hinkley Point C confirms our solid reputation in the nuclear segment. The key to our success is the ability to combine technical expertise, high level products and extensive industrial design and manufacturing capability. ”
Oliver Dervout
Lynxeo Market Segment Director for Power GenerationLynxeo is supplying a variety of custom-designed, nuclear-rated cables for the Hinkley Point C site, including medium voltage (MV) and low voltage (LV) power, control and instrumentation cables for pumps, valves, safety systems, power supplies and control room monitoring. They will be installed inside and outside of the nuclear containment area. It is vital that the cables continue to perform safely and reliably under the demanding environmental conditions corresponding to normal, accidental and/or post-accidental plant operating conditions.
To satisfy the most rigorous safety standards, Lynxeo ENERGEN NUC halogen-free cables that comply with the Euroclass requirements for reaction to fire. They will be manufactured at the Lynxeo factory in Mehun-sur-Yèvre, France.