Rolling stock

Lynxeo FLAMEX® on board of the 1000th Siemens Vectron locomotive

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Lynxeo is proud to support Siemens Mobility for the production of the 1000th Vectron locomotive with the FLAMEX cable range This locomotive will be built at the Siemens Mobility factory in Munich-Allach. It is part of an additional order of 8 locomotives from Danish State Railways (DSB) for passenger service in Denmark


The milestone will mark a significant achievement for the collaboration between both companies. As a proof of quality, the Vectrons have already accumulated more than 300 million fleet kilometers of service operating in 18 countries for both freight and passenger service.

“ From the beginning Lynxeo has been committed to providing Siemens Mobility, with reliable high end-products and timely service. We are extremely proud about the long-standing trust and proud to share this remarkable achievement with people from Siemens Mobility factory in Munich and also from the electrical engineering department in Erlangen ”

Michael Luther

Global Sales Manager for Rolling Stock

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