Case study

Discover Helsinki with Lynxeo FLAMEX® cables on board of the Škoda Transtech ForCity Smart Artic X54

    Škoda Transtech
    Rolling stock

This year has seen the delivery of the first brand new Škoda Transtech ForCity Smart Artic X54 to Finnish HKL - HST - Helsinki City Transport.

This new generation of tram is equipped with Lynxeo FLAMEX® cables which reach the most stringent fire safety requirements. Control and Communication cables ensure the reliability of on board train management solutions and the passenger information system. These products are designed to withstand electromagnetic disturbances ensuring the continuous flow of data with the active systems.

The Helsinki Artic X54 is 100% low-floor to ensure easy accessibility, adjusting the height of the center module to have zero threshold between platform and low-floor. On top Artic X54 solves the next impossible combination of multi-articulation and pivoting bogies. It is spacious, air-conditioned and designed especially for Northern conditions.


Melanie Möller
“ We are proud to collaborate on this project with Škoda Transtech and Škoda Transportation. That’s a significant contribution to the development of sustainable mobility solutions for modern cities ”
Melanie Möller
Rolling Stock Key Account Manager
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