Market drivers

Energy transformation: preparing for tomorrow


Operators’ and EPCs’ challenges in changing their commitments to meet expectations

This innovation and activity is essential to meet today’s energy demands. However, it requires significant investment which must be carefully managed to ensure project viability and operational profitability.

Yet no matter how advanced and ambitious a project is, its energy production process must be considering the impact to the environment. Operators and EPCs are already aware of the importance and the necessity of cleaner energy production, reducing carbon footprint, eliminating and reusing their waste efficiently.

This change forces all players, and especially oil companies, to act and contribute to the support of energy transition.  All major players are committed to reduce their carbon impact in the 30 years to 2050, in compliance with the Paris Agreement. The Agreement represents a bold statement of the determination of the international community under the United Nations to transform the global economy so as to limit the impact that power generation, production methods, agriculture, and consumption patterns have on the climate system.

Cables play a critical role in helping companies improve performance and meet these new demands. However, to obtain cables that will fulfil these objectives and give a competitive edge, it is no longer enough just to attempt purchase from a cable stockist.

Instead, it is essential to engage with a cable partner from an early project stage; one that can understand your unique requirements, make recommendations – and work with you through project design, installation, and operation, to ensure you are always fully-provisioned with the right cables, on time, and with full technical support.

Contributing to the energy transition with improved operational efficiency and cleaner energy delivery

For over 120 years, Lynxeo has manufactured leading-edge power and data cable infrastructures. Today, as the leaders in energy sector cable technology, we are present everywhere in energy production, from onshore exploration, production, and distribution, to refinery and petrochemical infrastructure.

We supply our cables within a comprehensive portfolio that also include accessories, design solutions, and services & solutions during all your project steps. With a clear vision of the energy transition process, we maximize your project’s efficiency and performance, while you deliver cleaner energy.

We support your project from its outset, when we identify your unique needs and specifications. We ensure you choose the right cables and associated accessories, services & solutions, and boost your test campaigns’ efficiency. You can outsource all or part of your procurement to an expert, to reduce your overall cable connectivity costs.

At the same time, you will be demonstrating your commitment to sustainable development, while remaining compliant to applicable standards.


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