Caso di studio

Cabling solutions for Energy on-board of rolling stock

    Rolling stock

Cabling can be a critical factor in rolling stock’s performance, longevity and cost-effectiveness. That’s why Lynxeo and CMP shared their expertise to deliver reliable cable gland solutions for both indoor and jumper applications.

CMP A2-FL and A2EC-FL cable glands are compatible with unarmored FLAMEX® EN 50264-3-1 and EN 50382-2 cables with pre-installed lugs that makes the installation process easier, safer, and more reliable. It is then easier to eliminate issues caused by twisting and torqueing of the cable. All cables benefit from the full performance of the CMP unique displacement seal with wide cable and lug acceptance range. The combination of cables and cable glands provides superior pull and bend resistance on cable.

CMP cable glands are designed and fully tested in accordance with IEC 62444, ACM Standard NF F 61-030 and NFC 93400. The ingress protection rating is IP66, IP67 and IP68 in accordance with IEC 60529. They cover the full range of cable diameters with fewer items than other product lines on the market.

Lynxeo FLAMEX® Power cables and CMP A2-FL and A2EC-FL cable glands are designed for a long service life under harsh operating conditions. They comply with the European safety standard EN 45545-2 (fire and flame retardant, halogen-free, low smoke) and achieve the highest fire performance HL3 rating for both interior and exterior locations.

Lynxeo Power cables data sheets acc. to the EN 50382-2 and EN 50264-3 series

FLAMEX EN 50382 High temperature flexible power cable

FLAMEX EN 50264 Power cable

CMP: Cable glands

Cable gland: A2FL

Cable Gland A2EC-FL


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