ABS 1356 VND 20 AWG
ABS 1356 VND 20 AWG
Designed for general purpose aircraft wiring applications.
Screened and Jacketed Single and Multicores
UV Laser Printable
ProductABS 1356
TestprEN 3475
Design Construction
1- Conductor
1, 2, 3 or 4 cores ABS 0949 AD
Nickel Copper Clad Aluminium
2- Screen
Nickel-plated copper spiral screen
3- Jacket
Polymide tape
UV PTFE tape
Core Identification Colours
1 core (VNA) : Grey
2 cores (VNB) : Red - Blue
3 cores (VNC) : Red - Blue - Yellow
4 cores (VND) : Red - Blue - Yellow - Green
Marking text : " ADA ** FR F++ "
Jacket Identification
Colour of marking : Grey
Marking text : " XXX ** FR F++ "
Colour : Green for AWG 22, 18, 14 and 10 - Blue for AWG 24, 20, 16 and 12
Caratteristiche costruttive
Caratteristiche costruttive
Caratteristiche dimensionali
Caratteristiche dimensionali
Caratteristiche elettriche
Caratteristiche elettriche
Caratteristiche d'utilizzo
Caratteristiche d'utilizzo
Vendita e consegna Informazioni
Core marking in black ADA ** FR F++
Jacket marking
XXX ** FR F++
Color : Green for AWG 22, 18, 14 and 10 ; Blue for AWG 24, 20, 16 and 12
with :
XXX= Short designation (VNA, VNB, VNC, VND)
** = AWG
FR = Country of origin (FR = France)
F = Manufacturer (F = Nexans)
++= Year of production (i.e. 08 = 2008)