What we do

At Lynxeo, we offer technical expertise and cutting-edge technologies to develop advanced cable solutions and services, customized to meet the demands of critical industrial projects.​

Cable tech solutions​ for industry champions

As a pure industry player, we offer technical ​expertise and advanced technologies for critical applications. ​

Lynxeo manufactures cables for critical infrastructures, assets and applications across key market segments: automation, transportation, energy, and medical.

Lynxeo electrify your critical assets by : ​

  • Offering tailor-made products and solutions ​
  • Crafting highly engineered industrial cables​

Corporate Social Responsibility is a guiding principle of Lynxeo business activities and internal practices. 

The Group’s commitment to developing compliant, sustainable and high-quality cables also drives its active involvement within leading industry associations.

Wired to electrify the industries​ that move the world​
  • We are connected to industry.​ Linked to our customers.​ Tied to excellence.​ We are wired.​ Electricity brings energy and motion.​ Performance and progress.

  • ​Electricity runs inside machines,​ and within our cables.

  • We are committed to industrial excellence. ​Because industry is part of the solution to bring progress, ​we support industry champions.​ Industry is our focus.​

  • Electricity brings energy and motion.​ Performance and progress. ​Electricity runs inside machines,​ and within our cables, shaping a better future for all. ​

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