A full range of cable solutions

A full range of cable solutions for energy, control, and data - with special products for exploration, exploitation, refineries, and petrochemicals
Our full range of cable solutions for energy, control, and data includes LV/MV/HV power cables and advanced fiber/copper WANs and LANs, with special products for exploration, exploitation, refineries, and petrochemicals.
For example, our HYPRON lead-free product is a reduced-impact solution that protects cables from deterioration caused by hydrocarbons, acid, and alkaline compounds. This solution contributes to your drive to improve your environmental sustainability.
We produce high-reliability, low-maintenance cables for continuous production. Our products are found in Arctic and desert environments, as well as “mud” and oil. We also manufacture and innovate for pipelines, storage, and deep-well drilling.
We ease handling and save costs with our reduced weight and volume XLPE cable designs; our cables also offer superior fire-reaction and resistance to safeguard people and equipment.
We reduce your risk exposure with on-time deliveries to manage emergencies and limit operational downtime, while our multi-standard capability ensures that we deliver correctly certified cables worldwide – from global inventory distributed across the US, China, Middle East.
Our pre-cuts and pre-assemblies with connectors facilitate installation and reduce waste.