Market drivers

Electricity generated from Nuclear reactors increased for the seventh consecutive year in 2019, with a global power output of 2657 TWh. The 442 operating reactors provides about 10% of the world’s electricity.
54 reactors are under construction in China, South Korea, India, UAE, Russia, UK, Japan, Turkey, Bangladesh, Ukrain New reactors are being built in China, India, Japan, the Russian Federation, South Korea, France, Finland, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria.
To keep the rise in temperature below 2°C, Nuclear as a key role to play in the climate change combat. It is the second largest source of low carbon power.
However, to win wide public acceptance, nuclear power has to be perceived as being absolutely safe, under all conditions and far into the future.
Custom-designed, nuclear-qualified cables play an important role by providing long-term viability and assuring fail-safe operation indefinitely.
Lynxeo's nuclear cables help assure a clean source of economical energy for coming generations.
From basic power to complex control and communications, Lynxeo's cables are omnipresent in the nuclear industry. To satisfy the most rigorous safety standards, Lynxeo has designed exceptionally robust cables and developed a line of halogen-free cables that keep operating during an emergency, while protecting people and infrastructure. We draw on 35 years experience in thermal, radiation and design-based event testing.
Our close partnership with nuclear engineers has meant cables customized and fullyadapted to nuclear needs. Where radiation-protection and LOCA (Loss of Cooling Accident) procedures are required for fast automatic shutdown, Lynxeo manufactures highly reliable K1 (1E-LOCA) cables. Elsewhere, K3 (1E non LOCA and non-1E) cables assure flawless performance over a lifetime. Both K1 and K3 cables provide the highest levels of performance by limiting the spread of fire and emitting little smoke and toxic gases.
Specific nuclear qualifications
- RCCE: Design and Construction Rules for Electrical Equipment for Nuclear Island
- CST/BTS: Book of technical specifications: Electrical Cables for Nuclear Power Plants
- IEEE 323: for nuclear power plant equipment
- IEEE 383: for (1) thermal aging, (2) radiation, and (3) LOCA test; with (1) (2) and (3) for last day accident simulation, and (2) and (3) for first day of operation.
Lynxeo is part of the TeaM Cables – European Tools and Methodologies for an efficient ageing management of nuclear power plant Cables – a research project in the field of nuclear safety and long-term operation.